Bronco Badging With BadXBronco and Utah.Bronco
March 02, 2021
By: The Bronco Nation
We talked to noted Bronco content creators, Ben Peacock and Cooper Pierce of the BadXBronco and Utah.Bronco Instagram accounts, about what they think of the new badging for Broncos equipped with the Sasquatch package. Ben’s IG page is a great collection of high-quality images of Bronco and he’s made one of the coolest Bronco cosmetic accessories so far, we’ll let you head to his page to see what we’re talking about. Coop is regular in the Bronco Nation forums and at Bronco events. His photography is some of the most unique and recognizable in the Bronco-sphere.
Ben is also a graphic designer, so when we got ahold of the new Sasquatch badging, we thought he’d be a great person to ask about it. Utah.Bronco is an amateur photographer and Bronco enthusiast with great taste in design. You can see the document that we sent them in the forums.
David from the Forums : So, what do you think about the Sasquatch Bronco badging in general? Obviously, badging has become a very important part of how folks immediately identify which Bronco is which and this changes up the formula a bit.
BadXBronco : The Sasquatch package is pioneering what’s considered stock/factory in vehicle packages. Nearly every Bronco reservation owner I’ve interacted with is obsessed with it. They want to show it off and make a statement. When I post a Bronco photo to the Gram, people want to know “Is it Squatched?!”. So with that said, I love the idea of having a unique Sasquatch version of each badge. With the Sasquatch package being such an iconic part of the 6th Gen Broncos, it’s fitting that it gets its own version of the model badges.
Utah.Bronco : The idea of having a trim badge is sweet, I’ve always liked Wrangler and TRD Toyota’s trim badges. The badging on the first five generations of Broncos was epic and one of the most noticeable parts of the design.
David : Generally, a positive view then of the idea. Let’s talk about the execution.
BadXBronco : Overall, the badges look good. I like the “SASQUATCH” typography. It’s a little squatty, which I think works well with the “Squatched” look. I like that for the most part, the Sasquatch versions maintain the original badge designs. Most people seem to like the badges, and they expect them to be the same/similar on the final production vehicle, whether they have the Sasquatch package or not.
Utah.Bronco : The 6th Gen is missing the mark, in my opinion. The rear badges and the grille seem perfect, but the trim badges feel like an afterthought. They don’t fit the quality of the rest of the vehicle, and the design of the individual badge doesn’t carry through the rest of the vehicle. I think some people are a little confused that they’re stickers as well. I’ve heard of lot of people think that they look preproduction, and plan on taking them off.
David: Generally, a positive view then of the idea. Let’s talk about the execution.
BadXBronco: Overall, the badges look good. I like the “SASQUATCH” typography. It’s a little squatty, which I think works well with the “Squatched” look. I like that for the most part, the Sasquatch versions maintain the original badge designs. Most people seem to like the badges, and they expect them to be the same/similar on the final production vehicle, whether they have the Sasquatch package or not.
Utah.Bronco: The 6th Gen is missing the mark, in my opinion. The rear badges and the grille seem perfect, but the trim badges feel like an afterthought. They don’t fit the quality of the rest of the vehicle, and the design of the individual badge doesn’t carry through the rest of the vehicle. I think some people are a little confused that they’re stickers as well. I’ve heard of lot of people think that they look preproduction, and plan on taking them off.
David What can be improved though?
Utah.Bronco: On Wildtrak, I’m not a fan of the little Sasquatch on that design. It’s confusing because there is not an option for the Wildtrak without Sasquatch, but I think the badge does look nice with the Sasquatch added.
BadXBronco: I don’t love the Sasquatch silhouette in each badge. It feels out of place on several badges, like we tried too hard to make it fit in both placement and style. It feels more cute than tough. Also, I can’t tell but it looks like some of the colors, particularly the grays, got darker/lighter between the versions. I’d recommend making them identical in terms of color.
David: I wondered about that too, we’ll have to wait to see them in person. What else?
BadXBronco: Another idea to consider would be making a Sasquatch-only badge that could be swapped out in Build & Price or bought separately. I plan to make something like that for Bad Bronco, but there’s room for multiple styles in the market. A note about all model badges: One thing I’ve noticed several people mention is that they wish the model badging was more 3D. Some have mentioned it just looks like a sticker, which cheapens the feel of a $50k vehicle. I tend to agree here. One idea would be to increase some visual depth with embossing. Again, I love that there will be Sasquatch versions of the badges and I think these are headed in the right direction overall!
Utah.Bronco: I really like the concept of having a badge that represents a Base Bronco with Sasquatch, it’s a huge upgrade and deserves some credit. The black and grey colors are nice and should look good on every paint color. The size of the badge is going to be important, if it’s too big, it will look weird. The name “Sasquatch package” is sweet, and I think I would enjoy a badge that said that, rather than one that could be mistaken for just a Sasquatch sticker
David: Thanks for your thoughts, guys. Can’t wait to see what they look like in the final production versions.
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